
Faith Treasure Box

Faith Treasure Box

My nephew was baptized a few weeks ago, and I had the honor and privilege of being his Godmother.  For us, that means I support his parents in bringing him up, pray for him daily, and encourage him in his faith walk with God. I really wanted to make him something special that he could have forever.  I came up with the idea of the Faith Treasure Box.  This is a box for collecting anything that reminds him of his faith as he grows up.  Some examples:

*His first Bible

*Baptism certificate, candle, handkerchief, etc.

*Baptism outfit

*First Sunday school papers, awards, or special notes from his Sunday school teachers

*Confirmation memories, etc.

I simply bought a photo storage box at JoAnn’s, along with a wood letter “B”.  I painted the “B” {the first letter of his name}, and hot glued it to the box.  I attached a tag with Faith Memory Ideas, so my sister and her husband have an idea of what to put in the box.  Done!  I hope it gets filled with precious memories that he can look back on and find encouragement as he grows up.


One Comment

  1. Carrie, I LOVE this idea. I have a box for my Cason right now but it has all kinds of stuff in it. I love the idea of a “faith” box. So doing this for him. Maybe even put words of encouragement for him from each birthday. đŸ™‚ Thanks for an awesome idea!

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