How to Apply Vinyl to Wood Surfaces
Knowing how to apply vinyl to wood surfaces is key for creating beautiful signs for your home. Wood blanks are easy to find, and can make a nice addition to your mantle or wall space. Today, I am going to share an easy wooden sign, and guide you through applying vinyl to wood surfaces.
I am a member of the StyleTech Craft Design Team. I was provided product from StyleTech Craft for this post. This post may contain affiliate links. See my full disclosure and privacy policy HERE. All opinions are my own.

As soon as August ends, I am ready for fall. Like, really ready. I want to pick all the pumpkins, drink all the cozy hot drinks, and make all the fun home decor. Freshening up my house with the colors and scents of fall makes me super happy!
I love taking a simple wooden blank from the craft store, and making something to spruce up our home. That is where this easy DIY “HOME” sign comes in, and I am excited to share this with you today.
Wood Blank
StyleTech Craft Vinyl {copper and forest green}
Silhouette Cameo or Similar Vinyl Cutting Machine
Transfer Tape
Weeding Tools

How to Apply Vinyl to Wood Surfaces:
Use Permanent Vinyl for your project. Signs are permanent, so you want permanent vinyl. If your sign is going outside, make sure it is labeled as “outdoor”.
If you choose to paint your wood, you need to allow 24-48 hours for it to cure before adding anything to it.
Vinyl sticks well to a smooth surface. Sand your surface, and make sure you clean it with a microfiber cloth to make sure all the little dust particles are removed.
Sanding wood and applying a simple clear coat over it will give it a nice surface to apply vinyl.
If the vinyl does not want to stick, especially when it’s a delicate or thin design, have a hair dryer handy. Applying heat while adding your vinyl helps “melt” the vinyl onto the surface.
You may also find this helpful: How to Use Vinyl Transfer Tape
So, now that your wood surface is prepared, let’s create a design!
How To:
First, create your design in your design software. For this project, I used the font “ROCKWELL” and then added a laurel leaf wreath for the “O”.

You are going to cut this in two cuts, since you have the laurel leaf {or shape of your choice} as the “O”. To do so, ungroup your design. Highlight the wreath, and move it off the design screen into the gray area. Then, group your “H ME” to send to cut.
Place the vinyl for the letters on your cutting mat. Load it into your machine, and choose the proper settings for your vinyl.
After this is cut, weed your vinyl. This means removing the excess around the edges, so you are left with the design.

Gently apply transfer tape to your design, and run the burnishing tool over it. Remove the backing, so you are left with the adhesive side of your design exposed.
Align the “H ME” on your wood sign, and burnish it onto your surface by gently moving across the surface with your tool.
Starting at the corner, and gently peeling at an angle, remove the transfer tape. Your “H ME” should be centered on your sign.

Next, align the wreath and repeat the process with adhering it to the blank.
How pretty is that? Add your sign to the middle of a basket to display on your mantel, or even hang it on the wall.

More DIY Sign Projects:

Carrie Hurst
Not only do I love sharing all my vacation tips and ideas here on A Princess and Her Pirates, but I also work alongside families to create magical vacation memories year after year! Email me at to begin the planning process, and join hundreds of families on my current guest list.