
How to Use Vinyl Transfer Tape

Using vinyl transfer tape is key to beautiful, and professional looking vinyl projects. Transfer Tape is a huge asset to your crafting tool box, and I am going to show you some best tips for how to use vinyl transfer tape!

I am a member of the StyleTech Craft Design Team. I was provided product from StyleTech Craft for this post. This post may contain affiliate links.  See my full disclosure and privacy policy HERE. All opinions are my own.

Transfer tape is a game changer when it comes to working with adhesive vinyl. It’s the tool to get your cut vinyl onto your surface perfectly! I am often surprised at how many people either don’t know how to use it, or don’t even know it exists!

How to Use Vinyl Transfer Tape

Every single one of my cut vinyl designs just looks like a big sticker. But if you have cut something with a Silhouette or other crafting machine, you know that you can’t just peel it off and stick it on the blank surface. Well, you can, but the results could be a mess! Each aspect of many cut files is an individual piece, and you need transfer tape to “transfer”, or move it, from the white backing to your blank project surface.

Using Vinyl Transfer Tape

What is “Transfer Tape”?

Transfer tape comes in a few options. Sometimes it has grid, sometimes it does not. I am not partial to either, but some designs may be easier to line up and apply if you use transfer tape with a grid. Then there is opaque and translucent transfer tape. The translucent is my preference because it’s easier for me to line up my design using this type.

UsingVinyl Transfer Tape

I always have StyleTech Transfer Tape on hand, so that is what I use. They offer several options, and I lean toward the clear if possible.

How Do I Use Transfer Tape?

I am going to use this cut design below that I created for my niece. I applied this to a Caboodle for her, and filled it with fun items for her birthday gift!

First, cut the file using your design software and vinyl cutting machine. Then, using a weeding tool, weed away the excess vinyl that you do not want. Side note…I ALWAYS weed a file while it is still stuck to the backing paper.

After you have weeded and you are left with your design, cut a piece of transfer tape that is slightly larger than your design. Peel off the back of the tape and place it sticky side down on your design. It should look like this:

Using a scraper, aka a burnishing tool, go over the transfer tape gently so it is adhered to the design and there are no air bubbles.

Starting at the corner, and peeling back at an angle, slowly peel the transfer tape up, and your design should come with it!

Next, line up your design where you’d like to place it on your blank surface. I tend to start with a corner, and lay it down gently, smoothing it as I go. Using that same burnishing tool, “scrape” over the surface to smooth down the vinyl on your surface.

Again, at the corner and peeling back at an angle, gently peel your transfer tape off. Your design should be stuck to your surface!

You may need to use the sharp end of your weeding tool, or even just your fingernail, to make sure any super small pieces are adhered to the surface, pressing down as you peel the tape off.

Using vinyl transfer tape is essential to great results with your vinyl projects. This is a must have tool when crafting, and makes applying vinyl to a surface so much easier! For more inspiration, you may enjoy:

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Carrie Hurst

Married to my high school sweetheart, we are raising two pirates and a princess. A lifelong Disney fan, lover of good food, and all things creative, I hope you will join me in sharing joy and making memories everyday.


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